5 highlights of the project trip through Namibia

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5 highlights of the project trip by foundation founder Michael Hoppe and board member Andreas Roß

In spring, in the Namibian autumn, the time had come again – foundation founder Michael Hoppe and board member Andreas Roß went together to Namibia and Zimbabwe We went on a project trip and spent a good two weeks taking part in team meetings, visiting the steps facilities and, together with the respective site management and the National Coordinator Sonja Schneider-Waterberg, analyzing successes and progress, planning future-relevant changes and restructuring and addressing challenges.

If you are planning a trip to Namibia soon, visit some of these places and see for yourself what a difference your donations make.

1. Learning Center Rehoboth

On the first day after our arrival we went to Rehoboth to the Otto Xamseb facility and our partner facility Bridge of Hope.

The Bridge of Hope In the future, even more children who are not in kindergarten and preschool care at steps will be provided with hot meals.

The Otto Xamseb we offer our steps children more and more stimulating play opportunities and learning environments.

2. Expansion in Gobabis

Afterwards we went to Gobabis, where possible renovation work was discussed and further activities are planned: A steps playgroup and kindergarten group will be established in the former computer school rooms. This will enable us to offer children from Epako, the neighboring slum, early childhood education and support and lay the foundation for their further education. We will nevertheless continue to work with our cooperation partner Light for the Children and enroll our kindergarten children in the preschool at Light for the Children.

The former PC school, which is now to be given a new use.

from left Sonja Schneider-Waterberg, Jackie Sanjath and Michael Hoppe in the former PC school. 

Martha Naris, pictured here on the left, looks after the guesthouse in Gobabis and talks to Sonja Schneider-Waterberg.

3. Happy Birthday Okakarara

The big celebration for the 18th birthday of steps Okakarara took place on March 15, 2024. The first steps facility, which started in Namibia in 30 with 2006 children in preschool and soup kitchen, now supports over 200 children and young people. The birthday was celebrated together with many, very appreciative words by the team in Okakarara, members of the trust and close companions as well as invited guests - but also by you, dear supporters and sponsors.

Here you can read the wonderful entries in our guestbook again:

The birthday in pictures:

Dear supporters and friends, we are delighted that we were able to celebrate the 18th anniversary of our first steps project! Without your ongoing support, it would hardly have been possible for us to reach this age of majority. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your commitment in so many different areas.

4. News from Windhoek

In our newest facility, Single Quarter in Katutura, no children were encountered due to holidays. 

Various planning meetings have now led to us being able to accept more children into a new preschool group since April. You can read more about this here:

5. Off to Zimbabwe

After four years, the board was able to travel to Zimbabwe again and visit the projects that were created through the collaboration with Plan International and Stiftung Hilfe mit Plan. Due to the tight time frame, they mainly looked at the income-generating measures. Michael Hoppe and Andreas Roß were fascinated by the progress and successes of the project so far:

"We were impressed by the tireless efforts of the local people in Zimbabwe. They successfully adapted the fish ponds and even created more ponds after the grant was completed in order to be able to provide for themselves. This form of income-generating measures provides a long-term source of income for the participating community and helps to reduce abject poverty."

Would you like to get to know our steps facilities in Namibia personally? 

Then find out about the possibilities here:

Participate in Namibia

Would you like to take part in our local projects in Okakarara, Gobabis or Rehoboth and, together with our helpers and employees, give children and young people access to education? Or at

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Lively General Meeting

Lively general meeting – check it out here The support association Steps for Children eV invited people to its annual general meeting on December 3, 2024.

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Take a step

The steps song was created with many steps children in Gobabis with the singer Eva Keretic!

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