Bridge of Hope - gives even more hope

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Since the end of 2017 Bridge of Hope Project partner of steps for children in Rehoboth and we look back with joy on the first year together:

  • With generous donations, we were able to do that with the Trust steps for children Buy propertyon which the school was built 4 years ago. A big thank you to everyone who made this possible! The school is still owned by the founder, Melverine Bock (Milly), with whom we have signed a lease.
  • Furthermore, the Reiner Meutsch Foundation FLY & HELP has a thankful way new building with two classrooms financed. The project's 160 children have more space to learn and play in the crèche, kindergarten and preschool.
  • Milly, coordinator of Bridge of Hope, exceeded our expectations: instead of the agreed 10 orphans, Milly even made it possible to take 30 orphans into kindergarten. 80% of the children Bridge of Hope are so-called "self-payers". On the one hand, this can finance the school fees for the orphans, on the other hand, the lease is paid to steps for children.

We value Milly as a very reliable and trustworthy partner, with a feel for the needs of the people of Namibia. She is not only the good spirit of Bridge of Hope - Milly has been looking after our partner projects for many years Heart for the Children and Otto Gamseb in Rehoboth. She impresses with her structured way of working and the ability to control all projects even through difficult fairways.


A further expansion is planned for 2019:

  • Also received for the first time at Bridge of Hope 9 needy and especially gifted children a funding through our Guardian Angel Program!
  • For the children and employees of the project, the Construction of a soup kitchen began. With this extension, even children outside of the project could be provided with lunch in the future.

Construction has already started and is financed by the Rotary Club Hamburg - Haake, Thank you very much!


Help equip the kitchen!

We need a total of € 2.150 to equip a functional kitchen:

A freezer costs € 500

€ 370 a refrigerator

€ 220 plate

€ 160 cutlery

€ 470 cups and mugs

430 € pots and bowls


Lively General Meeting

Lively general meeting – check it out here The support association Steps for Children eV invited people to its annual general meeting on December 3, 2024.

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Take a step

The steps song was created with many steps children in Gobabis with the singer Eva Keretic!

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