Cleaning campaign in Rehoboth

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School institutions are required to clean their premises. An acceptance is carried out by the Ministry of Health.  

The director of Bridge of Hope immediately initiated the ministry-ordered clean-up day today. Together, the teachers clean the entire area in the absence of the children - from the kitchen to the classroom with the resources that are available to them. Unfortunately, that's not much: just like in other countries, people hoard disinfectants, soap, cleaning rags and protective masks. Therefore, with scarves around the mouth and nose and the things that could be bought, the action is carried out. The procurement of cleaning agents is extremely difficult.


Lively General Meeting

Lively general meeting – check it out here The support association Steps for Children eV invited people to its annual general meeting on December 3, 2024.

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Take a step

The steps song was created with many steps children in Gobabis with the singer Eva Keretic!

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