Dear steps friends,
After we received more and more questions from our supporters about how things are currently looking in Namibia in view of the many crises, we decided to open the members' event of the steps for children eV association to all interested parties.
You can expect a current situation report and a reading by Erika von Wietersheim, live from Namibia, who will speak from her book "Guten Morgen, Namibia!" and with whom we will then have a conversation about the current situation in Namibia.
Personal participation:
On Tuesday the 29 November, doors open at 18.00 p.m,
Mittelweg 11-12, 20148 Hamburg.
Registration via
NEW: HYBRID! In addition, we offer participation via zoom for all interested parties or supporters who cannot attend this event personally or have less time:
Digital participation:
Meeting ID: 851 0512 6175
Identification code: 122489
Important note for our members of the association:
Because of legal reasons for the association votes cannot be claimed online, we ask members to appear in large numbers on site, so that we can vote on the amendment of the articles of association and on the discharge of the board of directors.
We look forward to a stimulating evening with a variety of ideas and plenty of exchange.
I was last on a project trip in September 2022 and saw how the current crises are affecting Namibia. I will describe successes and failures and outline current challenges and hopes.
Where are you travelling to? Inputs from various speakers, some from Namibia, will provide us with information and perspectives and thus offer a wide space for exchange and suggestions.
Erika von Wietersheim formerly a farmer, is a journalist and author of numerous books and a member of the Executive Board of the Council of Churches in Namibia. She is a founding member of the Trust steps for children in Namibia and its first chairperson. As the founder of Namibian educational initiatives, committed to overcoming colonialism, apartheid and poverty and networked with the independence movement of the time, the author knows the history of her country from a wide variety of perspectives. After reading from her book "Good morning, Namibia!" you will join us in the discussion.
Planned process:
18.00 p.m. Chatter and refreshments at the buffet
18.25:XNUMX p.m. general meeting
18.40 p.m. On the current situation in Namibia, input by Dr. Michael Hoppe, CEO, including a follow-up discussion
19.00:XNUMX p.m. “Good morning, Namibia!”, reading by the author Erika von Wietersheim, including a subsequent discussion
19.35 pm further contributions from Namibia are requested
19.45 p.m. End at the buffet
20.00 p.m. end
So that we can plan strengthening and refreshment, we ask that you register if you are attending by e-mail:, telephone: 040-389 027 88 or by post: steps for children foundation, Hamburg office, Bramfelder Straße 77, 22305 Hamburg.
If there are further additions to the agenda on the part of the members of the association, please also submit them by November 22.11.2022nd, XNUMX.
Note: The face-to-face event will be recorded in photographs. By registering for the event, the participants agree that the recordings may be used for communication purposes (e.g. website, newsletter steps for children).
- The event is hybrid and therefore also takes place in the digital space.
- A computer, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection and speakers is required for digital participation.
- The event will be joined via Zoom. Simply use the link and enter the access code when prompted.
- The organizer assumes no liability for the use of the Zoom software. Zoom's applicable privacy policy can be found here:
- Under you can find the data protection guidelines of the steps for children foundation.
- The digital part of the event will not be recorded. We ask that you refrain from making screenshots and recordings.
- The organizer reserves the right to exclude people from the event with racist or otherwise inhuman or discriminatory statements.