The chicken coop in Okanhandja

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The chicken coop in Okahandja, Namibia

Location: Suburb of Okahandja, Namibia
Partner project: Ileni Tulikwafeni
Head: Meme Kauna

Kauna takes care of the solar-powered incubator here. She has experience with chickens as she also raises chickens privately.

Income secures education

The project…
...was founded in 2006 by Kauna as a community project. The name "Ileni Tulikwafeni" means "Everyone come and let's work together." In the project, more than 300 children and young people are cared for in kindergarten, preschool and afternoon activities and are fed daily by a soup kitchen.

Long queues in front of the soup kitchen in Okahandja, Namibia.

... attacks the people in the community. The queues have grown so long over the past year that up to 1.300 children and young people from the soup kitchen got their only meal every day.

The site…
…is one of the poorest neighborhoods in Namibia. In the "Five Rand" area, an informal settlement, thousands of people live under the most degrading conditions.

steps for children ...
... has been a cooperation partner since the end of 2019. We are building a chicken farm here as an income-generating measure. The chicken coop was already completed in October 2020, laying hens and a rooster have already moved in. Furthermore, the solar-powered hatchery has been put into operation, which can accommodate over 500 eggs.

What happens to the eggs?
Some of the eggs are sold. Another part goes to the solar hatchery so that chicks can hatch there within about a month with adequate humidity and warmth.

What happens to the chicks?
When the chicks hatch, one part is sold and another part is reared. These chickens are then either sold or they serve as laying hens for the hen house.

The current situation:
Due to the Corona crisis, not much has been sold yet. We therefore need patience until this measure actually brings profit and can actually finance the educational offers of the project.

Structural measures ...
... started at the end of 2020: a donation from steps for children financed the construction of a new school building with 2 classrooms and separate toilets for girls and boys. The afternoon classes are to take place here. It is planned that the salary of the teachers through the sales in connection with the Chicken coop and the Incubator is funded.


Lively General Meeting

Lively general meeting – check it out here The support association Steps for Children eV invited people to its annual general meeting on December 3, 2024.

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