Commitment to steps: Anton Rathgeb

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Commitment to steps: Anton Rathgeb

Our volunteers deserve a medal - because without their tireless efforts, we as a small team would not be able to handle the ever-growing tasks so successfully. In this section, we would like to introduce you to our committed volunteers and show you how their efforts make a significant difference in the work of steps for children.

In this article we would like to introduce you to Anton. He is a true treasure for our volunteer team and one of our most loyal volunteer supporters. Since 2008 he has been a reliable support in various areas: whether at information stands at district festivals, at office moves and clearing out campaigns or the regular collection of donation boxes in the city. Anton is always there - we can always rely on him and really appreciate his commitment.

The trained industrial clerk originally comes from Neumünster but now lives in Hamburg and is involved not only with steps for children, but also with the German Red Cross. His many years of experience as a crisis management trainer makes him a valued member there. Anton spends most of his time in his allotment garden. There he grows his own vegetables and looks after bees and bumblebees, which have their own little house here.

Thank you very much, dear Anton, for your great commitment!
We really appreciate you being part of our volunteer team and look forward to your cooperation! 

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Lively General Meeting

Lively general meeting – check it out here The support association Steps for Children eV invited people to its annual general meeting on December 3, 2024.

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Take a step

The steps song was created with many steps children in Gobabis with the singer Eva Keretic!

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