Successes of steps in Zimbabwe

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Zimbabwe Success Stories

We can look back on the successes of steps in Zimbabwe and come to the realization that we want to continue.

We have been funding since 2017 in cooperation with the Foundation Help with Plan and Plan International education and income-generating measures. We would like to share the successes of the previous cooperation with you:

  • New construction and equipment of four preschool centers
  • Increase in children in pre-schools to a total of 192 children - 27 more than originally planned.
  • Establishment of water storage tanks at two schools, each containing 500 liters and providing the schools with clean drinking water and water for the vegetable gardens of the communities.
  • 83 families benefit from newly planted vegetable gardens.
  • 240 chickens were distributed to families.
  • Eleven bee colonies were handed over to families.

Children wash their hands and enjoy the running water. The school classes look more colorful than before! 

chicken coop and banana plantation.

bee colonies and vegetable gardens.

fish ponds:

  • Construction of two fish ponds and stocking of 3.000 fry in Chigombwe.
  • Three fish ponds were created in Nyaungowe and stocked with juvenile fish.

In May of this year, the project manager from Zimbabwe, Peter van Dommelen, was in Germany - at a joint meeting with the management of Plan International and the Aid with Plan Foundation, we were able to talk about the successes of the projects that have already been achieved and also start another project together. Here, girls will be specifically protected from child marriage and, in the course of this, teaching workshops will be held for teachers and parents to explain children's rights.

Protect girls from child marriage

Our new project in cooperation with Plan International aims to prevent child marriage - this time in Kwekwe, another inland region.

Photos © Plan International and the Help with Plan Foundation


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