Nawka family: Your commitment makes a difference!

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Commitment that moves: The Nawka family in the service of a good cause

The Nawka family visited our steps location in Okakarara, Namibia, in September last year. But this was not their first visit: they came to steps in Okakarara in 2010, four years after the project was founded. And it was then, when Britta was pregnant with Hannah, that their extraordinary commitment to supporting disadvantaged children began. In addition to getting to know the steps work, playing sports and playing with the children, they took part in a training course on the subject of AIDS. A few years later they were there again - this time together with their daughter, who was still a small child at the time.

First visit together with little daughter Hannah.

Britta and Stani Nawka in Okakarara for the first time in 2010.

Visit to Okakarara and Ongombombonde

During their visit in October 2023, they also had the opportunity to take a look at organic vegetable cultivation in Ongombombonde. Britta and Stani Nawka were impressed by the progress that has been made here. In order to support steps, they regularly initiate fundraising campaigns in their area. For example, donation boxes and information flyers are available at the reception desk of Dr. Stani Nawka's medical practice, who keeps winning new supporters and members of the support association and is an excellent multiplier. And they also sell things from their personal collection or sewing products from our sewing workshop in flea markets for the benefit of steps and other NGOs. okakararaIn addition, they regularly organize events and fundraising campaigns, the proceeds of which also benefit steps. Britta Nawka has also done so several times in the past through her fitness club. In addition, there has been a donation box in the kiosk in their Hamburg district for a year, into which many people put their change. It's amazing: every month the box has to be emptied because it is always full to the brim.

There are now also small pigs in the vegetable garden.

The compost is explained.

Gen Z is committed

Particularly noteworthy is the involvement of her daughter in this wonderful commitment, who is now also helping to support steps – previously through her kindergarten and today as the youngest member of the support association steps for children eV. Their joint commitment shows how important it is to convey values ​​of solidarity and helpfulness at a young age.

For more than 15 years

For more than 15 years, the Nawka family has been continuously involved in our projects and, through their tireless help, has helped us achieve our goals and provide lasting help to disadvantaged children and young people. Their commitment is moving and is an inspiring example of how individual initiatives can make a significant difference.

A donation box and information flyers are available in Stani Nawka’s practice.

There is also a steps poster in the waiting area.

Dear Nawka family, we would like to thank you very much for your commitment and your unwavering loyalty to steps and our mission! Your dedication inspires not only us, but also many others to actively campaign for children's rights and to improve their future prospects.

Together we create lasting changes in the lives of disadvantaged children and young people in southern Africa – on their way to overcoming poverty!

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Organisation Our non-profit aid organisation supports people from Namibia and Zimbabwe. It cooperates with existing organisations. The foundation steps for children uses existing infrastructure in

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Lively General Meeting

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Take a step

The steps song was created with many steps children in Gobabis with the singer Eva Keretic!

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