Felizia in Namibia

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Felizia in Namibia says hello!

Felizia in Namibia says hello - one of our volunteers who is at steps in Gobabis with Anna. If you are also interested in an FSJ, you will find further helpful pages at the end of the interview.

Who are you how long have you been at steps and at which location?

My name is Felizia, I am 19 years old and graduated from high school in 2023. I have been working at steps for children in Gobabis since mid-August.

Why did you decide to spend a social year in Namibia?

I wanted to get to know a new culture after school. I also wanted to get involved socially for a year.

What books did you use to prepare for your time in Namibia?

“Half the Sky”, written by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, was a book that really moved me and opened my eyes.

I prepared specifically for Namibia through documentation on the Internet and of course through the preparatory seminars Volunta gGmbh in Hessen.

How do you like to spend the evenings after your work at steps?

Anna and I always go play football after work. The club is called Omaheke Queens Sports Club. In addition to playing football, I also particularly like the atmosphere and team spirit of the team. 

Are there any tasks that you particularly like at steps?

I particularly like working in carpentry. But I also really enjoy working with the steps children and young people.

What has been particularly challenging on your trip or during your stay so far?

Nothing has particularly challenged me so far because I have very good support locally. One situation that definitely challenged me was an afternoon when the children were very excited. Without any real experience in looking after primary school students, it was quite challenging at the beginning.

What surprised you most about your stay?

The generosity of people. Although Namibians on average have significantly fewer financial opportunities, sharing is very important here. Not sharing is almost considered rude. Our work colleague brings the leftovers from his dinner every day and all employees then eat together during the break. When it's someone's birthday and they receive chocolate, it is immediately distributed to everyone. I find this part of the culture very beautiful.

What are you grateful for?

Hospitality and helpfulness the Namibians. For example, we actually get invited out to dinner every weekend. 

What do you have to try when you're in Namibia?

Fatcakes! This is a pastry that tastes similar to quack balls. Only fattier and tastier. 

I wish…

...that the carpentry business can continue to exist.

Dear Felizia, we would like to thank you very much for your commitment to steps for children in Gobabis! We are pleased that you found your way to us and wish you continued enjoyment in your tasks.

Would you like to get more impressions of our steps facilities through volunteers or are you interested in a FSJ? Find out more here - it doesn't have to be a whole year, because we also offer 3-6 month stays.

Anna in Namibia

Anna in Namibia! Get to know our volunteers who will spend a whole year of their FSJ in Namibia at steps for children in the facilities in 2023-2024. Hey, I'm Anna and I've been here since mid-August 2023

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Participate in Namibia

Would you like to take part in our projects in Okakarara, Gobabis or Rehoboth and, together with our helpers, give children and young people access to education? Or help with the food, play and

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Lively General Meeting

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Take a step

The steps song was created with many steps children in Gobabis with the singer Eva Keretic!

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