Celebrate your birthday with Mirjam Kammer

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Celebrate your birthday with Mirjam Kammer

The first time when Miriam Kammer When she heard about steps for children, she stayed overnight at the guest farm not far from steps in Okakarara, on the Waterberg. She was told a lot there - about the steps facility with preschool and kindergarten and the vegetable cultivation ongombombade; from the kindergarten groups, the preschool classes and guardian angel children as well as the sewing room okakarara.

Mirjam Kammer is led through the vegetable garden in Ongombombonde by the garden team.

In the years that followed, she followed the development of the foundation and its locations through the steps newsletter, online events and personal contact with project manager Sonja Schneider-Waterberg Namibia. She was sure - on her next trip to Namibia she would like to get to know steps in person. Travel planning began quickly, but had to be interrupted because the global corona pandemic intervened.

A craft session with the steps children in Okakarara is a must!

On the second trip, which was finally able to take place in 2022, Mirjam Kammer and her husband stayed at the steps guesthouse in Okakarara for four days - just a few meters away from the steps premises with kindergarten and preschool buildings. So she was able to complete the project täglich It's easy to visit on foot and exchange ideas with children, young people and staff.

Lively exchange with the teachers.

“I am convinced that excellent and sustainable work is being done there (and not only there), in which the local people are involved at eye level and in a self-determined manner.”

The kindergarten and preschool children are particularly close to her heart - because she comes from the social sector herself and works as a social worker in the area of ​​early childhood education and care and has now been working in early help for four years.

“What could be more natural than wanting donations for steps for my party?
The money is there in the
best hands!”

This gave her the idea early on to dedicate her next big birthday to steps in Okakarara together with family, friends and acquaintances and to ask for donations instead of gifts: four months before the big celebration, she made all the preparations and asked for donations Contact us for flyers, posters and a personal QR code for your birthday donation link. 

And so a proud, four-figure sum was raised that will benefit the steps children in Okakarara. 

Dear Ms. Kammer, we would like to thank you very much for your commitment. Together with your guests, you are committed to providing children on the margins of society with educational opportunities and improving their future prospects. Thank you for your work!

After the article “Celebrating a birthday with Mirjam Kammer” you can find out more about steps and the support options:


Lively General Meeting

Lively general meeting – check it out here The support association Steps for Children eV invited people to its annual general meeting on December 3, 2024.

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The steps song was created with many steps children in Gobabis with the singer Eva Keretic!

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