Julius in Okakarara

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FSJ in Namibia

We asked Julius a few small questions in Okakarara to give you an insight into the project work in Namibia. 

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How long have you been in Okakarara?

Johanna and I have been in since January 08.01.2022th, XNUMX okakarara, Paula then came on 19.01. to. In these first weeks we have already seen a lot and got used to a lot. The time when everything was brand new feels very far away and many experiences are in the past.

What do you like best so far? 

So far, I'm really happy about the freedom we're enjoying. Okakarara and all of Namibia is open to explore in our free time and for the most part I feel welcome among the people here. 

What are the mornings like?

In the meantime, we try to assist our colleagues with their programs in the mornings. One kindergarten or preschool group per day does the program items Sport, Mousebook, Numberland, or Arts. It is always helpful to have a teacher who knows the children and can translate for them. We are always given freedom for ideas and the implementation of these programs.

What are the afternoons like?

In the afternoon we take over the school children, mainly from the 5th-7th class in After School Care. We help with doing homework, learn and play. We still have to grow into this role bit by bit and find a balance between playing and learning.

What surprised you, what did you not expect, what is nicer than expected? What particularly challenges you?

has me surprisedthat we are generally accepted with few prejudices. Of course, as almost the only white person in town, you are often looked at, but you are often greeted in a friendly manner. I'm also pleasantly surprised that getting used to Okakarara was easier for us Germans than we thought. Even if the offer here in Okakarara is narrower than in Germany, there are all the things you need. I really like this slightly reduced lifestyle right now. On the other hand, what surprises me negatively is the low level of education of the children. For example, our school children from grades 5-7 have big problems with the small multiplication tables and the English language because the basics are missing. These are skills that should be learned early on, especially since English is the official language. They find it difficult to solve tasks completely independently and correctly. I'm also irritated by the broad understanding of punctuality in this country, especially when driving a taxi.

Dear Julius, we are very pleased that you have decided to do your voluntary social year at steps for children in Namibia. With your commitment you help the children and young people from the poorest backgrounds and provide direct support on site. Thank you for your commitment!


Lively General Meeting

Lively general meeting – check it out here The support association Steps for Children eV invited people to its annual general meeting on December 3, 2024.

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The steps song was created with many steps children in Gobabis with the singer Eva Keretic!

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