Sewing machine arrived in Namibia

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A sewing machine for the sewing room

Sewing machine arrived in Namibia

A sewing machine from Hamburg recently reached the steps sewing shop in Okakarara! – with our dedicated volunteers and alumni Volunteer Lisa Bartels. So the sewing machine could be safely transported in a free space in the case. It was a real precision landing. It was then received in Windhoek and, organisiert transported to Okakarara by our National Coordinator Team.

Now even more bags can be made in different sizes and patterns. And some of these sewing products can also be purchased in Germany. You can buy these at our events in Hamburg, for example: ALAFIA and on the coming Member event of the steps for children eV association in October.

Where did the sewing machine come from?

In December 2022, Ms. Gudrun Lehwark-Yvetotb contacted the steps for children foundation in Hamburg. Formerly professional and now as SES-Expert, she traveled a lot in Namibia and had heard about steps for children in Namibia and the steps sewing shop in Okakarara from a friend. She meets regularly with her voluntary handicraft group of the 1904 eV housing cooperative in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel to sew, crochet and knit together. The proceeds from the products go to charitable purposes - most recently, three well-preserved electric sewing machines were collected, the first of which is now donated to our project in okakarara does good service in the sewing room.

The sewing machine was received by Office Manager Eveline Ketjivandje in wintry Okakarara.

Now Samueline Katupose sews in the steps sewing room.

The first sewing machine has reached its destination - two others are still in the office waiting for a free place in the suitcases of travelers to Namibia.

If you also have the possibility and the desire to support us with a transport and soon travels from Hamburg to Namibia, please sign up below


Take a step

The steps song was created with many steps children in Gobabis with the singer Eva Keretic!

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