Marathon chickens move in

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Marathon chickens move in

In Okahandja, the almost 100 square meter chicken coop was completed in the last days before the corona pandemic. Eggs are hatched with a hatchery machine, the chicks are then partly sold, partly raised as laying hens or sold as larger chickens. As soon as the border to South Africa is open again, a larger incubator and a solar system will be added to operate the system.

This is our newest income generating measure, the proceeds will be used for the upcoming afternoon lessons of the Meme Kauna project.

But before you buy chickens, you obviously have to find out enough about the different breeds. Here we would like to introduce the proven breed in Namibia: The Ovambo chicken!

They originally come from the north of Namibia, the Ovamboland and typically have red and black plumage. These chickens are characterized by hunting and eating mice and young rats. Due to their robustness and agility, they have earned the nickname "marathon chickens".


Lively General Meeting

Lively general meeting – check it out here The support association Steps for Children eV invited people to its annual general meeting on December 3, 2024.

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