Our Mission in Zimbabwe

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Our Mission in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is a poor country and ranks 2024th out of 108 countries in the 127 Global Hunger Index. Almost a third of children under the age of 5 suffer from chronic malnutrition. In 2024, the global price, energy and food crises in Zimbabwe contributed to an inflation rate of 635,3%. Access to education and nutrition is once again becoming a privilege.

In Zimbabwe Since 2017, we have been continuously supporting children, adolescents and young adults in cooperation with the Hilfe mit Plan foundation and Plan International.

Previous support in Zimbabwe

In rural areas, we support teenagers and young adults who are affected by or at risk of dropping out of school or early marriage. We provide them with vocational training and entrepreneurial training in agriculture. Thanks to this economic empowerment, they can generate income and become more resilient to hyperinflation and crises. With the help of practical training, they gain experience and learn professional knowledge and skills that they can successfully apply in income-generating measures such as banana production, beekeeping, fish ponds with fish farming and poultry farming. Start-up support helps them to establish their own source of income. This gives them the chance to finance their own living independently.

Girls Empowerment Movement

In addition to professional development, we have been working specifically for girls since 2021 to prevent gender-based violence and to give girls and women equal access to education and income. To this end, we have extended our commitment in Kwekwe for another year: There we fight for women’s empowerment on different levels and raise awareness about child marriage and early marriage. We educate young people, parents and adult community members to expand protection for children at risk of marriage.

The commitment consists of different sub-projects:

  • Promoting Positive Parenting: Educational work in parent groups that actively involve men.
  • commitment against child marriage: Creation of a forum for parents who work together against child marriage.
  • education in the community: Information events in youth clubs and schools to raise awareness of the risks of child marriage.
  • empowerment of girls: Support from the GEM Club “Girls Empowerment Movement” to promote the hopes, dreams and future perspectives of its members.
  • exchange with community members: Promoting dialogue and cooperation within the community.


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Photos: Stiftung Hilfe mit Plan


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