wph housing and project development Hamburg GmbH

Home » steps news »Wph housing and project development Hamburg GmbH


The wph housing and project development Hamburg GmbH, has been creating high-quality property in the Hamburg metropolitan region since 2005. But she is also actively involved in the social field with particular enthusiasm. As a cooperation partner of steps for children, wph Wohnbau und Projektentwicklung Hamburg GmbH supports several projects in Nambibia, including the construction of the new school building in Rheoboth. 

wph housing and project development Hamburg GmbH
Rothenbaumchaussee 44
20148 Hamburg


The children and we would like to thank you very much wph housing and project development Hamburg GmbH for the generous financial support and look forward to further cooperation.


Lively General Meeting

Lively general meeting – check it out here The support association Steps for Children eV invited people to its annual general meeting on December 3, 2024.

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The steps song was created with many steps children in Gobabis with the singer Eva Keretic!

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