steps for children at your school

A fundraiser at your school can make a major contribution to enabling the work of steps for children to fight poverty. School projects on social issues, such as a fundraising campaign with steps for children, also offer the opportunity to raise awareness of global inequality and social responsibility in the classroom.

On this page you will find materials for teachers to create a steps for children Fundraiser to be carried out and embed didactically.

There are various options in your school with steps for children to become active. Together you can: 

You can find an overview of the possibilities and effects of cooperation between schools and steps in our One Pager: steps x Schools.

organizing a fundraising run

A charity run is a great sporting event with which you can effectively support the children in the steps facilities at your school! 

You can find all the materials you need to run such a fundraising event easily and smoothly in our fundraising run material box.

The individual templates of the material box can be downloaded here: 

  1. Organization Guide (pp. 1-3)
  2. template routing slip (p. 4)
  3. Template Parent Letter (p. 5)
  4. Consent to Media Use (p. 6)
  5. Round table 1-100 (p. 7)
  6. start numbers 1-100 (p. 8)
  7. template documents (p. 9)

You want to promote the fundraising run at your school? No problem with this poster for a fundraising run.

We look forward to pictures and reports from your running event!

materials for your fundraising run

This is what a fundraiser at your school could look like

lessons with steps for children

Would you like to discuss the work of steps for children in class to contextualize a fundraising campaign or to raise awareness of social responsibility?

We are currently working on teaching materials related to steps for children which we will make available here. Until then, we can point out the following learning and teaching materials: 

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