A tour through Namibia - and how it came about
In an interview, Christa and Tews Koll report on their experiences on their tour through Namibia in autumn 2023. They talk about the steps facilities they visited and the guardian angel children they met, but also about what you should definitely do when you are there.
Dear Christa, dear Tews,
You, Tews, have been active for steps for children in Germany for more than half a decade now – and now your wife Christa has also become passionate about steps. This year you published your first own steps calendar with great photos from the steps facilities in Namibia, which you give away to friends and interested parties. It has also been given a prominent place in our office. You also presented the Support Association Steps for Children eV., of which you are both members, about your journey. We would now like to find out more about how you found out about us and in which areas you are still involved.
How did you find out about our foundation?
I (Tews) have been a volunteer for a long time. My love of the sea and ships first drew me to the Seamen's Mission Duckdalben where I worked as a volunteer for a long period of time.
Due to my general interest, my family connections and my past – I lived in Namibia for almost two years in my early childhood – I started looking for a volunteer position with connections to southern Africa and was contacted at the volunteer exchange Assets about the foundation steps for children. And I was quickly able to convince my wife Christa – she too fell in love with steps.
In which areas have you already been involved with steps for children?
We have already helped with information stands, celebrated a few birthdays together for the benefit of steps and also sold some of our own collectibles for the benefit of steps. Last year we were on site in Namibia in the projects and helped out there and got to know the children.
Among other things, Tews regularly runs information stands in Hamburg and the surrounding area to tell interested parties about steps.
Christa reports on her trip through Namibia at the general meeting of the Steps for Children eV support association.
We have various steps - social and income-generating measures that you can get involved in: for example, the guardian angel children, the vegetable garden or the soup kitchen. Which areas are particularly important to you?
The Guardian Angel Children are particularly close to our hearts, as they allow us to make a lasting contribution to children from families with little education. But we are also fascinated by the vegetable cultivation in Ongombombonde. It is a great project that really impressed us. We were also able to stay in the steps guesthouses on our trip through Namibia and thus gain a direct insight into the work of steps. A sensible idea to generate income and offer jobs to the local population on the one hand, and to give supporters and other tourists the opportunity to experience the facilities in Namibia on site on the other.
Guardian angel youth in Okakarara listen eagerly to the performance of Christa and Tews.
In September and October last year (2023) you traveled through Namibia together. Was that your first trip to the continent?
No, it wasn't our first time on the continent. Because of various family contacts, we have been to southern Africa several times and have taken long trips through South Africa, Swaziland, Botswana and even Namibia. We love the openness and the people in the region.
On your trip you were able to visit steps locations in addition to other route points. What was the highlight of the trip for you?
We visited two steps for children locations - in Rehoboth at the Bridge of Hope facility and in Okakarara. At both locations we had long conversations with the guardian angel children and young people: based on a card we had brought with us, some private pictures of our lives and other impressions, an interesting exchange ensued. We were particularly impressed by the commitment of the teachers: they look after the children with a lot of empathy.
Another highlight were the guardian angel children in Okakarara and the vegetable garden. A tour here is definitely worth it!
The tour of the vegetable garden was great – so much grows there!
What would you advise interested holidaymakers if they are planning a tour of the country for the first time?
In general, we would advise you not to travel too far in one go and to plan to spend a few days in one place, not just one night. This way you can come into contact with the local population and explore the area better.
You should also not only visit the tourist highlights, of which there are many. And you should have a bit more time to arrive in Namibia - in our opinion, a visit to Namibia is only worthwhile if you stay for two weeks or more. And our special recommendation: plan an overnight stay in one of the steps guesthouses, for example in Okakarara.
Christa, on the left in the picture, tells the guardian angel children in Rehoboth about the snow and what Christmas is like. Then the guardian angel children tell how they themselves will spend Christmas.
How did the children react to you?
The children were open and most of them were very interested. We were able to organize a discussion with the Guardian Angel youths in the afternoon at both facilities. We talked about Germany and showed our hometown of Hamburg on a map. As well as a map of Germany, we also had a world map and a map of European countries with us to show how far away the country we come from is. We also looked at more pictures of the garden in the snow and at Christmas time and looked at the Elbe with the freighters and barges. The fact that our rivers in Germany have so much water was fascinating for the children because in Namibia the rivers are completely dry except for a few moments a year.
A preschool group in Okakarara sings a song to Christa and Tews and is happy that they are there.
What did you take back to Germany from your trip?
Many people in Namibia were very open and interested in us, which was very nice. It also made us more aware of how important and valuable water is!
What do you want for the steps children in Namibia?
Many unforgettable moments, especially during the many steps activities and with the local participants – that the children can absorb a lot of it and take it with them and make something out of it.
Is there anything you are grateful for?
We are very grateful that we are doing so well here in Germany and we would like to give as much of it as possible. We have a lot of things here in abundance and are sometimes not really aware of it. We are happy when we can give something back with our commitment!
Dear Christa, dear Tews, we would like to thank you very much for the interview and your wonderful commitment! You have become an integral part of steps and your activities are a huge help to the steps children and young people on site. Wherever we went on our project trip in 2023, children and teachers told us enthusiastically about your visit!
More about our guesthouses and commitment in Germany and Namibia:
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