10 years Little Angels

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The bilingual kindergarten Little angels / Hamburg International Kids celebrated 2016 10th anniversary. They can accommodate two groups of 15 nursery places and 30 elementary courses. The children are supervised by German teachers and English native speakers.












On 13 December 2016 big party with parents and alumni took place, to the steps for children was also loaded with its information stand. Our volunteers, Anton Rathgeb and Wolfgang Kuckelt, informed about the steps projects, selling products from the sewing room and collected donations. To celebrate the day hung Mr. Stüwe, the head of the kindergarten, the amount of total revenue still a zero in the transfer.


Thanks to all the small and large angels and all the best for the next 10 years!


Take a step

Der steps Song ist mit vielen steps Kindern in Gobabis mit der Sängerin Eva Keretic entstanden!

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