An art project in Gobabis: „All children – one world“

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A special highlight during Michael Hoppes project trip in Namibia was meeting with his friends, the artist Frank Rosenzweig and his born in Namibia wife Valerie Mouton-Rosenzweig from Buxtehude. They led the second part of the art project „All Kids One World“ in our project in Gobabis by:

k640_blumenjungsTo inspire understanding and peace are two important components of the global art project Many Children – One World . Both transformed the steps project in Gobabis with her team for three days in a creative workshop. Rosenzweig world peace flag, its multicultural children portraits, the motto Many Children – One World , speaking in the languages of the world of children and live chat between cultures form the basis of this extraordinary art project.

For the current action, the artist couple visited with Eva Keretic, Singer songwriter from New York City, and assistants a Hamburg School and then steps for children in Gobabis. The different cultural and material life of the children brought exciting challenges. But they have also shown it clear: Children have an incredible amount of creative potential, regardless of race and socio-cultural environment.


Videos and photos that have arisen in both places are exchanged among the schools and prepare children to a common live video chat between Hamburg and Gobabis before. Frank Rosenzweig is 2017 exhibit in the main building of the UN in New York. The resulting in Gobabis material flows in this exhibition one with.

Michael Hoppe describes the experience this way:

„To experience the enthusiasm of the children, who had never held a canvas or brush and paint in their hands, and then to see the wonderful result, have, like the great songs warmed my heart.“

You will be enchanted by the resulting film!

» Here watch the film for art project in Gobabis


Ein solider Start auf die Bildungsreise​​

Im Februar 2024 haben wir im Rahmen des 11. Stiftungspreises der Town & Country Stiftung 1.111 € erhalten. Das Preisgeld wird in frühkindliche und vorschulische Bildung investiert: Gezielt werden feinmotorische, kognitive und sprachliche Fähigkeiten gefördert – als solide Grundlagen für die weitere Bildungsreise.

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Take a step

Der steps Song ist mit vielen steps Kindern in Gobabis mit der Sängerin Eva Keretic entstanden!

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