All kinds of vegetable garden for Advent

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After only 3 hours out of stock!

While Michael Hoppes visit to Okakarara he went course to the 8 hectares of land outside the town, on which our vegetable project is growing steadily. Gal Sirton, our consultant has already begun with the further professionalization of cultivation, thanks to the support of our donors and sponsors as Transa Backpacking AG, RAVEN Logistic GmbH and a foundation trust Haspa Hamburg Foundation.

It will take a while to the essential part of the cultivation is provided with shade nets, but already sprouting green shoots of different fruit and vegetables: carrots, tomatoes, corn, papaya, beetroot and the first banana, lemon and herbs.

It is a colorful garden, which brings us revenue growth for the social steps. Initial sales successes already existed: Gal and staff are driven with the baggy full of vegetables to Otjiwarongo in the slum and sold from the car. Already after 3 hours everything was sold out and there were taken 9,500 N $!


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