The couple grabbed Schoder in Gobabis with

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In October Silke and Frank Schoder made not only holidays in Africa, but packed for a few days in our project in Gobabis with at. Silke Schoder took care of the garden, helped in the afternoon session and the soup kitchen and practiced with the children, „We are the World“ one.

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Frank Schoder is well versed technically by his profession and has started with the carpenters workshop with the construction of beds for the steps homes. Within 2 days they built 1 ½ loft beds together. The production will be continued in the carpentry shop.

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Thank you for this great commitment and the donations collected and brought games, seeds and school supplies!

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In the huts of the slum children is mostly just a place to sleep on the bare clay available. Donate 300 Euro including a bunk bed. Mattress for our orphans in the steps homes families!


Take a step

Der steps Song ist mit vielen steps Kindern in Gobabis mit der Sängerin Eva Keretic entstanden!

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