opened new classrooms at Otto Gamseb

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On 7 November 2016 the time had come: Michael Hoppe consecrated along with numerous guests the new classrooms at our partner project Otto Gamseb a. Present were next to Mr. Green by the German Embassy and Mayor Mrs Blaauw, councilors, Mr Matthew and Mr. / Uirab, the presiding councilor, also named C. / Uirab, and a pastor of the church. And of course, the project founder, Josephine Gamseb, with all the staff and supporters and representatives of steps from Germany and Namibia as well as parents, neighbors and many children.

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All stressed the dedicated work of steps for children and thanked me personally. During the tour of the new rooms a band playing brass band music, then the feast was opened.

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It was a thoroughly nice hard and I forward herewith the sent me thanks on to all sponsors and donors!



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