„Altbewährtes, wie Olympische Spiele und Experimentier-Tag, und Neues, wie Muschelketten oder Pappmacheekrokodile basteln, standen auf dem Plan. Die vorweihnachtliche Zeit gibt uns Ideen wie Weihnachtskarten, Strohsterne und Carol singing. Die Kinderzahl steigt stetig, unser Maximum waren an einem Tag 112 Kinder. Ohne die engagierten Lehrer, die auch in ihren Ferien arbeiten, wäre das alles nicht möglich.“
After solemn conclusion of the school year is now back on the holiday program. Our volunteers and teachers have received strong support from Georgene, a high school student from Walvis Bay, which tackles the Christmas holidays in Gobabis with. Here is a report on the first week of our volunteers:
„Tried and tested, such as the Olympic Games and experimental day, and new, like shell necklaces or Pappmacheekrokodile tinker, were scheduled. The festive season gives us ideas as Christmas cards, straw stars and Carol singing. The number of children is increasing steadily, our maximum were on one day 112 children. Without the dedicated teachers who also work in their holidays, all this would not be possible. „