Namibias starke Frauen – Ivondia aus Okakarara zum Weltfrauentag

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Ivondia, OkakararaIvondia, 42 Jahre alt, arbeitet seit 2007 als Pädagogin in der steps-Vorschule in Okakarara. Sie ist besonders fürsorglich, kümmert sich um die Hygiene der Kinder und leistet erste Hilfe. Ivondia ist mit einem Lehrer verheiratet und hat vier Töchter, drei von ihnen sind noch in der Schule, während dessen eine bereits arbeitet. Neben ihrer pädagogischen Arbeit bei steps hilft sie auch Nachbarskindern bei den Hausaufgaben. Danach bereitet sie das Essen zu und widmet sich der Hausarbeit. Zur Position der Frauen in Namibia sagt sie, dass sie viel aktiver sind als Männer, weil sie einerseits jede Verdienstmöglichkeit nutzen, um ihre Familien zu ernähren, und andererseits ihre Kinder erziehen und den Haushalt führen. In der Zukunft möchte sie mehr Frauen aus anderen Ländern treffen, um neue Perspektiven und Eindrücke zu gewinnen. „Frauen müssen Schritt halten“, wie sie sagt, weil sie „die Mütter unserer Nation sind“.


Ivondia, 42 years old, is working as pre-school teacher at steps for children in Okakarara since 2007. She is special attentive to the children, taking care for their hygiene and giving first aid. Ivondia is married to a teacher and has four daughters, three of them are still in school while the oldest already works. Besides her educator job at steps, Ivondia also helps some of her neighbors’ kids with their homework in the afternoon. When the tutoring is done, she starts preparing dinner, and afterwards she has to do the upcoming housework. Her opinion about the position of women in Okakarara is, that they are more willing to work than men, because most of them on the one hand are doing jobs to sustain their families and on the other hand they have to educate their children and have to do the household. Her wish for the future is to meet more women from different countries to get new views and impressions. In her opinion “women have to keep up”, as she says, because they ”are the mothers of our nation.”


Ivondia, OkakararaIvondia, 42 years old, works as a teacher in the steps Preschool in Okakarara since of 2007. It is particularly caring, taking care of the hygiene of the children and provides first aid. Ivondia is married to a teacher and has four daughters, three of them are still in school, during which already operates a. In addition to her educational work at steps they will also help neighborhood children with their homework. After that, she prepares the food and is dedicated to housework. To the position of women in Namibia she says that they are much more active than men because they are both grasping every opportunity to earn money to feed their families, and also educate their children and run the household. In the future they want to meet women from other countries in order to gain new perspectives and impressions.


Ivondia, 42 years old, is working as pre-school teacher at steps for children in Okakarara since 2007. She is special attentive to the children, taking care For their hygiene and giving first aid. Ivondia is married to a teacher and has four daughters, three of them are silent in school while the oldest works already. Besides her educator job at steps, Ivondia therefore helps some of her neighbors‘ kids With Their homework in the afternoon. When the tutoring is done, she starts preparing dinner, and afterwards she has to do the upcoming housework. Her comment about the position of women in Okakarara is, thatthey are more willing to work than men, Because most of them on the one hand are doing jobs to sustain Their families and on the other hand theyhave to educate Their children and have to do the household. Her wish for the future is to meet more women from different countries to get new views and impressions. In her opinion „women have to keep up,“ as she says, Because They „are the mothers of our nation.“



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