Namibias starke Frauen – Lindie Maria aus Gobabis zum Weltfrauentag

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Lindie Maria, GobabisSeit 2008 arbeitet Lindie Maria in der Vorschule von Light for the Children in Gobabis, dem Kooperationspartner von steps for children. Sie ist Gründungsmitglied der Bildungseinrichtung und hat die ersten Steine der Schule mitgelegt. Sie begann zunächst in der Suppenküche und übernahm später eine eigene Klasse. Neben den 30 Schülern, die sie unterrichtet und betreut, kümmert sie sich außerdem um das Schutzengelprogramm von steps for children an den umliegenden Schulen. Als Vertrauensperson für die Kinder nimmt Lindie Maria eine wichtige Rolle im Team ein und leistet im Schulalltag einen großen Beitrag. Obwohl sie zusätzlich eine große Familie in Gobabis zu versorgen hat, besucht sie parallel die 12. Klasse, um sich fortzubilden. Ihr großer Traum ist es, hier in der Community als Sozialarbeiterin tätig zu werden, um die Menschen in ihrer Umgebung zu unterstützen. 


Lindie Maria has been working in the pre-school, Light for the Children (co-operation partner from steps for childen) in Gobabis since 2008. She is a founder of the educational institute and even helped in building the first bricks of the school. First, she began working in the soup kitchen and later took on her own class. In addition to the 30 students she teaches and supervises, Lindie Maria also takes care of theGuardian Angel‘ program from steps for children at local schools. As someone entrusted to the children, she plays an important role in the team and contributes significantly to their school life. Although she has to support a large family of her own in Gobabis, Lindie Maria attends the 12th class to improve her skills. Her big dream is to act as a social worker here in the community in order to support people in their environment.


Lindie Maria, GobabisSince 2008 Lindie Maria works in preschool of Light for the Children in Gobabis, an official partner of steps for children. She is a founding member of the educational institution and has mitgelegt the first stones of the school. She started first in the soup kitchen, and later took over its own class. In addition to the 30 students she teaches and supervises, she takes care of in addition to the Guardian Angel program of steps for children to surrounding schools. As a person of trust for the children Lindie Maria plays an important role in the team and makes a major contribution to the school day. Although she had also to feed a large family in Gobabis, she attends the 12th parallel class to further their. My big dream is to act as a social worker here in the community, 


Lindie Maria has been working in the pre-school, Light for the Children (co-operation partners from steps for childen) in Gobabis since 2008. She is a founder of the educational institute and even helped in building the first bricks of the school. First, s he began working in the soup kitchen and later Took on her own class . In addition to the 30 students she teaches and supervises , Lindie Maria therefore takes care of the , Guardian Angel ‚ program from steps for children at local schools . As someone entrusted to the children, she plays in important role in the team and Contributes Significantly to Their school life . Although she has to support a large family of her own in Gobabis , Lindie Maria attends the 12th class to improve skills ago . Her big dream is to act as a social worker here in the community in order to support people in Their environment. Although she has to support a large family of her own in Gobabis , Lindie Maria attends the 12th class to improve skills ago . Her big dream is to act as a social worker here in the community in order to support people in Their environment. Although she has to support a large family of her own in Gobabis , Lindie Maria attends the 12th class to improve skills ago . Her big dream is to act as a social worker here in the community in order to support people in Their environment.



Take a step

Der steps Song ist mit vielen steps Kindern in Gobabis mit der Sängerin Eva Keretic entstanden!

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