Sanitary done, planned new classroom

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Just in time for the new school year the new sanitary house in Gobabis is completed with 10 new sinks and toilets and the finishing paint. Also, the drainage system was already taken by the authorities. Thank you again from the heart to all donors and especially the Rotary Club Hamburg-Haake, who organized a Charity Dinner for the financing of this project!







The entire project and the community will benefit long term. Moreover, steps may expand in the future the location further, as with the improvement of the sanitary tract an important basis for the approval of new construction projects was created. So we can begin to build a new classroom in Gobabis shortly. We expect a total cost of 20,000 euros

Donate symbolically as the first stone for the new classroom. 100 Euro

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Take a step

Der steps Song ist mit vielen steps Kindern in Gobabis mit der Sängerin Eva Keretic entstanden!

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