“Turf Dog Day“ bei St. Kilian Distillers

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On November 19, were equal to 2 Rainbow in Rüdenau to see! One for the St. Kilian Destillers and for steps for children. It was  open day – the „Turf Dog Day“ – in St. Kilian Distillers, Rüdenau in Miltenberg in Bavaria.

The „Turf Dog“ is a new brand of St. Kilian Destillers (made with peated malt) and that should be celebrated: from 11: 00- 18:00, there were tours of the distillery. the whole day was made with fine whiskeys, draft beers and a variety of food for sustenance. The little ones had fun on a bouncy castle and the children’s face painting.A live band and a DJ have to guests a wonderfully rounded atmosphere until late in the evening. 


When Tombola has St. Kilian Distillers very generous prices provided (1st prize, a 55-liter barrel St. Kilian whiskey) and at the end went the occupied four-digit amount of Losverkaufs to steps for children!

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We thank the organizers and his great team wholeheartedly for this renewed great support and of course all visitors and volunteers who have made this colorful day!


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