Ulrike Mai coordinated in Namibia

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Since the beginning of Ulrike Mai takes over as national coordinator in Namibia, the former duties of Stefan Schultheiss, who will continue to serve us at certain points, inter alia, in construction projects aside.

Ulrike came in May 2009 to Namibia and is involved since then in various social projects: „Basically, I have in this work always the same goals as steps for children pursued, namely to enable, through education and training for disadvantaged children and young people that a future and help to help themselves. It is also important to mitigate the sometimes incredibly poor living conditions and enable a dignified life without everyday emergency.




Through an acquaintance I learned steps to know and looked out on the opportunity to join my community involvement and my professional experience. In Germany, I was for many years in the commercial sector accounting and also self-employed. Not everyone likes that, but I’m a fan of proper accounting and regular reporting. A trusting, open and regular cooperation with all stakeholders in Namibia and the foundation in Germany is for me in the first place. „


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