With your donation you give children in southern Africa a future. Thanks to your help, steps for children implements sustainable social and income-generating measures in the project countries. Through education and training, we enable children and young adults in Namibia and Zimbabwe to break the cycle of poverty on their own. steps for children promotes help for self-help.
Would you like to support our work with a donation?*
*We need your email address to confirm your donation. In addition, we use your above-mentioned data to inform you about current events and campaigns of steps for children within the framework of the legal permissibilities. You can object to this use of your data at any time by contacting the steps for children Foundation, Bramfelder Str. 77, 22305 Hamburg, Germany, without incurring any costs other than the transmission costs according to the base rates. You are also welcome to send an e-mail to widerruf@stepsforchildren.de **We appreciate every donation. If you dedicate your donation to a specific purpose, we will endeavour to use it accordingly. Should this no longer be possible or necessary, your donation will be used for other statutory purposes of the steps for children Foundation. We would like to thank you for your understanding ***Since, for example, school uniforms are purchased and distributed, food is prepared and steps children are supported in various ways by specialist staff, the costs stated here include all the services required to give children access to education and nutrition despite poverty.