Vacation with steps in Namibia
Christiane Büscher worked at steps for children in Namibia one social vacations made, which she tells us about here. It was a great opportunity for her Namibia to get to know people off the beaten tourist path and to get in touch with people from different regions.
My time in Namibia
My time in Namibia was very nice. I am still very impressed and fascinated by all my experiences and experiences - even after my return I still draw heavily from this time.
You have an idea or opinion about the country, the people and local life - most of it comes from stories and reports in newspapers or on television - but to see and experience all of this with your own eyes is something completely different very formative and also very grounding.
Afternoon care in Okakarara
Lunch with the children in Gobabis.
The facilities I got to know convinced me - so great and absolutely worth supporting. It's nice to see what is being done for and with the children.
I was able to visit two different locations during my social leave - that was really great, even if the time in each facility was actually too short.
If I were younger, I would immediately take the opportunity to go to Namibia for a year to volunteer there.
Putting together hygiene products for the children.
With the volunteers Feli and Anna in Gobabis
The project managers Sonja Schneider-Waterberg and Jackie Sanjath, all the employees on site and the volunteers welcomed me warmly and took a lot of time to show and explain everything to me.
I really enjoyed working with the children. Above all, doing crafts and gymnastics with the children, doing homework and playing - just being there and being able to take part in everything and be a part of steps was a great experience and a wonderful feeling. During my time, I also got to know the steps vegetable farm in Ongombobonde and the carpentry shop in Gobabis, although I wasn't able to work there.
I will never forget all of this and will definitely come back. Thank you very much for the opportunity through steps to to take a social vacation.
Even for a small craft project together with the volunteers I was able to support and help.
Dear Ms. Büscher, thank you for your active commitment in Namibia! We are sure that your commitment has given new impetus and contributed to a lively exchange with the steps children and employees. We look forward to your next visit!
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