We train and invest in team building
Training and further education are important if you want to develop as a team, but above all as a foundation and project. That's why we encourage and demand: We train and invest in team building.
Team spirit and workshop in Gobabis
After one funday for team building at the site Gobabis, which took place in June with games and talks...
…a joint workshop followed in July. Teachers from the afternoon classes, employees from the guest house and the carpentry workshop, as well as the project manager and a member of the national coordinator team, worked out a plan together to standardize processes within the project and create more sustainable structures.
From left Aletta Makono, afternoon classes for the youngest guardian angel children, Jackie Sanjath, project manager Gobabis, afternoon guardian angel teacher, Sophia Lubbe, afternoon guardian angel teacher for the smaller children, Manfred Haoseb, afternoon guardian angel teacher for the youngsters, Santos Joas, National Coordinator Team
Of course you can meet the team during a visit to Gobabis on your next Namibia tour. In our Guest houses, in which we have now created ten more rooms with the new building, you can spend fantastic days and get to know the country and its people as well as our facility.
Leadership workshop in Okakarara
In the last week of July 2023, a meeting of the project managers took place in Okakarara. Project managers from steps for children from our locations in Namibia came together: Okakarara, Rehoboth, Okahandja, Gobabis and Windhoek. The meeting, which was officially opened by project manager Sonja Schneider-Waterberg, offered an opportunity for exchange and learning. The team leaders took stock of what had been decided in the past year and considered which activities are already working well and which still need to be implemented this year.
A Stimulating Learning Environment - Okakarara preschool classroom with children's handicrafts.
Volunteer Pauline Fesser also conducts part of the tour of the facility with the team and provides insights into the working methods.
In the Art Room: A Resource for Developing Children's Interest in Art.
Some team members chat during lunch break.
Even more interesting was that the meeting for the team leaders in Okakarara and Ongombombonde (in our vegetable garden) gave the various steps for children location teams the opportunity to learn more about the activities in Okakarara, the first facility and thus the start-up project. Sonja and her team took the time to welcome the other teams and show them around their facility and activities.
The steps Vegetable growing in Ongombombone. It will cover the basics of organic farming explained.